Ever feel like you're just going through the motions, not really living your life to the fullest? I know I have. It's like being stuck on autopilot, scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, but not really feeling alive. We are not present.
I was talking to my friend, Lindsay, the other day. She's a successful accountant, has a nice apartment, and from the outside, it looks like she has it all. But she confessed to me that she felt empty inside. "I'm working all the time," she said, "but for what? I'm not even sure I'm making a difference." She was so focused on climbing the corporate ladder that she'd lost sight of what truly mattered to her. She was drifting, not really steering her own life. Lindsay is not alone. Many people feel the same way.
And that's where a lot of us are, right? We get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to ask ourselves the big questions: What's my purpose? What am I passionate about? What kind of impact do I want to make? Deep down, we all have incredible potential, but it's easy to get stuck in a rut. We end up just drifting along instead of steering our own ship.
But here's the good news: we can find a sense of purpose and direction that will absolutely transform our lives. This comes from figuring out what truly matters to us and connecting with something bigger than ourselves.
Let's talk about this Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke! Now, Luke was like the ultimate truth-seeker. He didn't just take things at face value when it came to the stories about Jesus. He went out and interviewed people who had actually met Jesus, witnessed His miracles, and heard Him teach. He was determined to get to the bottom of it all. Like a detective, he gathered all the evidence he could, building a solid foundation for his faith. He wanted to be sure, just like those scribes that took extra care and time to accurately copy the scripture word for word. They didn't just copy. They took their time to understand the words they were writing, through meditation and prayer.
And you know what Luke found? He discovered that Jesus was the real deal - someone who came to bring hope, love, and freedom to everyone.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah, saying He's here to bring good news to the poor, freedom to those who are trapped, sight to the blind, and relief to the oppressed. Then Jesus says, "This is happening right now, today!"
That's powerful stuff! Jesus wasn't talking about something that would happen way off in the future. He meant that He was there to change lives right then and there. And guess what? That same power to change and transform is available to us today.
Are you stuck in a dead-end job? Are your relationships struggling? Do you feel lost and unsure of your purpose? We can find a way out! Just like my friend Lindsay started to do when she realized she was not fulfilled. We can discover our true potential, pursue our dreams, and overcome the things that are holding us back.
But it doesn't happen by magic. We have to put in the work. We need to actively build a strong faith, one that's about how we live each day, not just what we believe. We should be like Luke, always searching for truth and a deeper understanding of our faith and our purpose in life.
So here's what I want you to do:
Figure out what you want: What kind of life do you really want? What kind of difference do you want to make in the world? What did you love to do as a child?
Find your connection: Whether it's through prayer, meditation, being in nature, or whatever works for you, find a way to connect with something bigger than yourself. For those of us who believe, we can connect with God.
Take action: Don't just sit around waiting for things to change. Go out and make them happen! Step outside your comfort zone, face your challenges head-on, and don't give up on what you want.
This is your chance to really live the life you were meant for. Find your purpose, unlock your potential, and go make it happen! You got this!